Wednesday 9 December 2009

Head under way

Hey guys,
I've started on my head and here are a couple of picture of the progress so far.

I seem to be running into a bit of difficulty at the moment, so I'm going to keep chipping away to see what I can do with it.

Any C&C would be very much appreciated and helpful.


Tuesday 8 December 2009

change in pose, and template.

ok so I spoke to Dean and showed him my progress. Turns out he didnt like the pose my character was in so I changed it to a more neutral, masculine pose.
I dont like this as much, as I don't think the pose is very dynamic, but it is for the best.

I also managed to finally finish the blueprint that I will be using to create the character in 3d.
Sorry I've not posted for a while

Monday 30 November 2009

heres a little update on the character, not done too much extra to it, but I've been in work today so I have'nt had much time to do it.
i wish I did.

Sunday 29 November 2009

character is under way!

I'm glad to say that my character is finally underway.
This is the final design of my character that I will colour and create blueprint's from, in order to start modeling on Tuesday.

Please ignore the bright colours, they are simply there as masks to prevent my colours from running when i add colour to each section.

Wednesday 4 November 2009

Couple of pictures.

I thought I'd best post a couple of pictures because I hadn't realised that I haven't done that yet, so here's some W.I.P Pictures of a couple of assets. A platform brace, A Jail cell, and a flame torch, All of which could do with some more work.

Thursday 29 October 2009

work, work, work

Because of those horrible little creatures, known as Children, being off school, I've been workin at the cinema alot this week so I haven't had much time to work on my level, so I finally managed to get a little bit done today, on my day off.
Today I started texturing, because I was goint to model everything, and then texture it, but I figured that it would look better if I modeled something and then textured it straight away.
So this is what I will be doing. Keep an eye out incase I decide to include any pictures or anything in a future blog

Thursday 22 October 2009

getting a little better

Finally my level seems to be taking some sort of direction, thanks to help from Dean and Stas.
I was at a dead point, creatively and I could'nt think of what I could do, So I told Stas and Dean my problems and they helped me counter them, so now I think I have a better chance oof having a nice level at the end of the project.

Friday 16 October 2009

Some drawings

I'm having a touch of slow computer problems today, so I've decided to get some sketches done instead. I have been trying to find some ways of making my Wall corners a little less sharp, so I have been researching, and it looks like there really isnt that much you can do.
I found a couple of techniques, which i have decided to sketch out, in preparation for tomorrows 3D work day.
If i remember, I'll keep you posted tomorrow, maybe even grace you with pictures.


Tuesday 13 October 2009

Forgot about this

Hey guys,
I'm sorry but I completely forgot that I'd made a blog ages ago, so imagine my surprise when i went to make one and it was already there!
Oh the wonder!

Anywhoo, keep an eye on this as I promise to try and remember to keep it updated with what I'm up to.

Enjoy anythin i post in the future and have a nice night :)
