Saturday 24 April 2010

Weekly overview – week 6

This week I worked on getting the stables / pigsty done. I want to texture this model next week, but time is running out. I found out that we don’t actually have to finish the level, because we are being marked on the teamwork, paperwork, and general involvement in the project, as opposed to the actual quality of the work that we are producing. I have to spend the next week getting the paperwork done, then hopefully I will still have time to get the stables finished. I need to have this diary, and a 2000 work evaluation done by Tuesday the 4th may, and I have to have a 15 min presentation ready to present on mon 10th may. This week will not be fun, but I can’t wait to finish it and texture the stables.

Wednesday 21 April 2010

Mini post 20 – continued working on the stables

I have finished modelling the stables / pigsty now and they are now unwrapped. I now need to create the uvw templates and texture it.

Monday 19 April 2010

Mini post 19 – started to model the stables

I started work on the stables today. I had a chat to Adam about what the stables should look like, and we looked at the layout of the level. We saw that it would work bests if we had the pigsty attached to the stables so that is what I did. I looked at the reference images that I have and decided to merge some of them together.
Here is what I have so far.

Saturday 17 April 2010

Weekly overview – week 5

I think that this week was rather productive. I managed to learn how to use the pelt unwrapping tool to unwrap my pickup truck nicely, which was a nice morale booster at this stage of the project. I then created my texture in photoshop, only to re-do it when I didn’t like the original. Once I had finished the textures I started work on the research for the stables / pigsty that I need to make. I am looking forward to this because I want to make a nice big asset in the level.

Wednesday 14 April 2010

Mini post 18 – started research on the stables

Ok, so now that I have finished the cellar doors, the cow and pickup truck, I am moving on to create a larger asset, the stables/pigsty.
I’ve been looking forward to doing something like this, because I wanted to create larger assets. I gathered some research into what the barn/stables should look like, and here is a sample of the results.

Mini post 17 – altered the pickup texture

I didn’t like how my texture turned out so I decided to change it. Here are the results.

I also textured the wheels, and added licence plates to the model.

Tuesday 13 April 2010

Mini post 16 – Started pickup texturing

I started on the texture for the pickup truck today. I wanted to give the truck an old dilapidated feel with rust and scratched metal, so I made this texture to put on it.

Monday 12 April 2010

Mini post 15 – Started pickup unwrap

I unwrapped the pickup truck today. I decided to try an unwrapping technique I have never used before called pelt. This technique worked really well and was easy to use.

Saturday 10 April 2010

Weekly overview – week 4

This week was spent working on the pickup truck and getting it ready for texturing. I included features like windscreen wipers, side mirrors, windows and door handles. I also added the wheels.

Thursday 8 April 2010

Mini post 14 – Finished pickup truck

I finished modelling my pickup truck today. I have added wheels and windows. I had originally intended to model the interior of the car, but Adam suggested that I just put windows in and have them shaded.

Monday 5 April 2010

Mini post 13 – continued on pickup truck

I have continued work on the pickup truck. I have worked into the body, adding more details to the body, adding side mirrors, and bull bars. I have also added some cylinders to show where the wheels will be. This model is almost complete.

Saturday 3 April 2010

Weekly overview – week 3

As I mentioned previously, this week was mostly spent getting my portfolio together for my meeting with Tim Browne, so I haven’t got too much done for dead farm this week. I expected this to happen and so I had already spoken to Adam about it, and he was fine. I am looking forward to getting my pickup truck finished because it will be the second car I have made, and it was fun last time. I also hope to improve my texturing skills for the truck.

Thursday 1 April 2010

Mini post 12 – not an april fools

Today I went to codemasters studios near lemmington spa and had a chat with a man called Tim Browne. He is senior game designer of operation flashpoint, and he talked to me about how to break into the industry. It was a very useful talk and I had great fun, but unfortunately he didn’t need to see my portfolio so I didn’t need to spend this week working on it. Oh well, it was a fantastic experience and I can’t wait to start in the industry!

Thank you to Ian Bailey and Simon Miles for setting this meeting up for me.