Thursday 24 February 2011


Ladies and gentlemen my dissertation is officialy completed. I am going to hand it in within the next couple of hours. I'm just printing it out now.

I will put a copy online as soon as I have permission from an interviewee that it is ok to put it online.

I can finally start on the fun stuff now.

Saturday 19 February 2011


Hi people,
I have finished unwrapping the assets parts of the noodle shop.

so I added some colours to the uvw sheet so that I could see waht each section is, and use them as masks in photoshop.
for now I'm very tired so I'm going to go to bed and continue at some point soon.
I'm in work all weekend but I will be working on this whenever I can.

Thanks guys.


P.S. The dissertation is going well :D

Tuesday 15 February 2011


Hey all,
I'm sorry I've not posted for a while. I've been busy.
I have done a little bit of work on the scene by starting to optimise and add parts to my noodle shop. Here is what I have so far:

The parts that are in colour have been added. The part's in checker have been unwrapped.
I'm looking forward to finishing all of this off, but unfortunately at the moment I HAVE to focus on my dissertation.
I still have a chapter and a conclusion to write, and I need to revise my introduction and first chapter, so plenty to keep me busy (as usual).

I hope everyone is having fun with their projects, and I hope they all understand just how important a good mark on your dissertation is.

Catch you all later,


Tuesday 8 February 2011

Today was good

Hello all,
Today was a good day I think. I started off with having a chat with Stas about my project, and he said to make a list of what I need to do, so I have a better idea of how to spend my time.
We had already done something similar in pre-production, but now I have a much better idea of exactly what I need to do, so I set out and made the list.

Here is the list ( sorry it's so long):

Test particle systems
Test fog
Optimise noodle shop
Unwrap noodle shop
Make diffuse for noodle shop
Make specular for noodle shop
Make normal map for noodle shop
Optimise shop
Unwrap shop
Make diffuse for shop
Make specular for shop
Make normal map for shop
Optimise arcade
Unwrap arcade
Make diffuse for arcade
Make specular for arcade
Make normal map for arcade
Optimise Koma 
Unwrap Koma
Make diffuse for Koma
Make specular forKoma
Make normal map for Koma
Optimise phone booth
Unwrap phone booth
Make diffuse for phone booth
Make specular for phone booth
Make normal map for phone booth

Optimise bar
Unwrap bar
Make diffuse for bar
Make specular for bar
Make normal map for bar
Optimise trash site
Unwrap trash site
Make diffuse for trash site
Make specular for trash site
Make normal map for trash site
Optimise hotel
Unwrap hotel
Make diffuse for hotel
Make specular for hotel
Make normal map for hotel
Optimise club

Unwrap club

Make diffuse for club
Make specular for club
Make normal map for club
Optimise vending machine

Unwrap vending machine

Make diffuse for vending machine

Make specular for vending machine

Make normal map for vending machine
Make bin bags

Unwrap bin bags

Make diffuse for bin bags
Make specular for bin bags

Make normal map for bin bags
Make floor tiles

Unwrap floor tiles

Make diffuse for floor tiles
Make specular for floor tiles

Make normal map for floor tiles
Finish Frank's head
Unwrap Frank's head
Make diffuse for Frank's head
Make specular for Frank's head
Make normal for Frank's head
Finish Frank's body
Unwrap Frank's body
Make diffuse for Frank's body
Make specular for Frank's body
Make normal for Frank's body
Make low poly background
Unwrap low poly background
Make diffuse low poly background
Make Specular low poly background
Make normal low poly background
Finish sky dome.

There we go, not bad is it? lol

 Today I have already done the first 2 and I am going to plough on through it now.
Wish me luck, there's lots to do.


P.S. There's still a good chance of more things getting added note this list :s