Wednesday 3 October 2012

Blog Change

Hi Guys,
I know I haven't done an update on here for quite some time, but that's because I am now using a different blog, so if you want to see my progress on my portfolio, then please head on over to

Thank you


Tuesday 19 June 2012

Back in the game

Hello people of the Internet, it's me again.
I'm sorry I've not posted in a while, I've been mega busy.
Tonight I have been working on my portfolio after I got some really good feedback on it from a couple of very strong sources, and it feels good to be doing work again.

I am now texturing parts of my Japanese water mill.
Here is what I have done tonight, in the form of 3 progression renders:

There is still loads of work to be done, but it feels good to be being productive again.

Let me know what you guys think if you want,

Nighty night


Friday 10 February 2012

Finally looking up

Hi guys,
since I last posted (over a month ago! sorry) Things have changed for the better.
My 3 month contract as a web designer has now been made into a more permanent position, and to top it all off, I have also now got a job as a lecturer in St Helens college!
I will be the 3d specialist for the level 3 graphic design, and interactive media students!.
I can't wait to start because I know that I can help people, and this will also force me to do more 3d stuff. I don't want to be coming across as a hypocrite in class :p
I feel that I owe so much to some people in that college, and hopefully this will be a nice way for me to pay it back a little.
I'll be doing this until July, but should all go well I should be carrying on in September on a more permanent basis!

I really hope things go well, as I have always wanted to teach, but didn't want to sacrifice my dream. This is a nice compromise I think.

I'll keep you all posted after I start.

See you soon,



Thursday 5 January 2012

I've not forgotten

Hi everyone,
Welcome to 2012!
I'm sorry I've not posted on here for a while, I've been a little pre-occupied.
I currently have some work as a web designer on a temporary 3 month contract, and since it is a 39 hour a week contract, I don't get much time to update this blog or my portfolio, but don't worry, I haven't changed my career path, I'm simply funding my future at the moment.

I know that it seems like a radical change, but this isn't the case. I actually studied web design to get onto my BA Game Art course, so it is  still a passion of mine.

Once I know what is going on with this contract, I will be able to allocate more time to my 3d work, so I will keep you all posted on what I will be doing.

Expect great things this year people, I can feel a fantastic year coming on!

Catch you soon,
