Friday 10 February 2012

Finally looking up

Hi guys,
since I last posted (over a month ago! sorry) Things have changed for the better.
My 3 month contract as a web designer has now been made into a more permanent position, and to top it all off, I have also now got a job as a lecturer in St Helens college!
I will be the 3d specialist for the level 3 graphic design, and interactive media students!.
I can't wait to start because I know that I can help people, and this will also force me to do more 3d stuff. I don't want to be coming across as a hypocrite in class :p
I feel that I owe so much to some people in that college, and hopefully this will be a nice way for me to pay it back a little.
I'll be doing this until July, but should all go well I should be carrying on in September on a more permanent basis!

I really hope things go well, as I have always wanted to teach, but didn't want to sacrifice my dream. This is a nice compromise I think.

I'll keep you all posted after I start.

See you soon,

