Sunday 24 January 2010

grand finale

ok, so I've added the sword I designed originally now.
This sword has swivelling cylinders in the handle that control date in the format of dd/mm/yyyy.
You set the date with this and then snap the sides down to go there. Pretty nifty ey?

and my friends, that is it!

I have finally finished.
My CD Is in my hand with a pretty label on it waiting to be given to the lovely Jonathan tomorrow in uni.

Thank you for paying attention to anything that I may have posted on here and I look forward to starting the next project.

weapon time

Here is the weapon that I made today.
It's a medieval katar, with a chemical vial in the handle that sends a stunning poison down the needle between the blades and out of the end.
This is designed to cause enough damage to stop the enemy in their tracks, but not kill them, only stun them with the poison that gets into the wound.
The Vial can be changed to more potent chemicals/poisons for bigger enemies, or to use lethal force.

Hope you like it.

Final renders

Ok guys, I think this is it.
Here are the renders.

Let me know what you think, and if any changes should be made. (preferably before I hand them in tomorrow lol)

Finished concept

Hello all, how are you today?

I have just finished my concept drawing for my character and now I'm going to finish up my renders and scan some drawings in for the hand in tomorrow.
And here he is with stats:
Let me know what you think guys.
Thank you cx

Saturday 23 January 2010

renders and concept work

Hello all.
I have been working on a couple of renders for the hand in on Monday and here they are.

I have also re-done my concept drawing (again) and here is what I have so far.
Please let me know what you think so far, as your feedback is extremely important to me at this point in the project.

Friday 22 January 2010

Almost there

Hey all.
I managed to get all of model together now, with the head included and I have added some planes where the hair will be alpha'd on afterwards.
Here are a few pictures.At this very moment in time, I am trying to do some nice lay like renders, and they are taking forever.
Keep an eye out in the near future to see these.

Sunday 10 January 2010

arm 2.0

OK, so after a minor meltdown, and a few kind and constructive words from Dean I decided to completely re-do the arm that was driving me crazy.
I sacrificed the gaps between the fingers to a shape I saw one of the other guys use, and it doesn't look too bad.

I also got rid of some unnecessary poly's in my legs, and chest.

I know that there is still a lot of work to do on this model, but I think I'm finally happy with the progress at the moment.
Let's see how long that lasts.

Minor freak out.

Hey all.
I'm sitting here doing work for hours, and it feels like im working backwards.
It's rather frustrating. I spend time doing something, and it doesnt work, and now I feel stuck.
Here's a couple of screenshots of areas I'm having problems with.

There's way too many verts in this arm, but it can't be helped because the extra lines are caused by the fact that you need a gap inbetween your fingers.

And this..... don't even get me started on this. I look at everyone elses heads and they look like them. I'm looking at mine and I'm not even seeing human lol. I'm having alot of issues with the nose and eyes especially.

If you have any advice to help me, please give it.
I can't wait to be back in tomorrow and get a bit of help off Dean.

Wednesday 6 January 2010

Post Christmas blues.

Happy holidays everyone!
I hope that all of your Christmas's and New year's went well.

Christmas came and went surprisingly quickly and it feels like I've lost loads of time out of knowhere, but I have been working (granted not as much as I probably should have been).

Heres a little update on the head, with the front photo quickly pasted on there for demonstration purposes.I'm not too happy with this at the moment, so I am working on the topology of it in photoshop.

And here's a couple of pictures of the Body...

Thats it for now guys,
I'll keep updating.