Sunday 10 January 2010

Minor freak out.

Hey all.
I'm sitting here doing work for hours, and it feels like im working backwards.
It's rather frustrating. I spend time doing something, and it doesnt work, and now I feel stuck.
Here's a couple of screenshots of areas I'm having problems with.

There's way too many verts in this arm, but it can't be helped because the extra lines are caused by the fact that you need a gap inbetween your fingers.

And this..... don't even get me started on this. I look at everyone elses heads and they look like them. I'm looking at mine and I'm not even seeing human lol. I'm having alot of issues with the nose and eyes especially.

If you have any advice to help me, please give it.
I can't wait to be back in tomorrow and get a bit of help off Dean.


Dean said...

Hey Chris. Dont get too frustrated. Its getting there.

AAAGH Whats going on in the arms. LOL.


if you need verts for the hand between fingers etc. Then you resolve it in the hand. Dont just carry it on right up into the arm.

I am seeing a restart there I am affraid. Use the Unreal character exaple to see how thats been made.

robochrish said...

thank you Dean.
The reason there are so many verts is because I didn't want to use any tri's in the hand.
Do you want me to keep the hand seperate from the arm?