Tuesday 14 June 2011


Hi guys.
Now that class is finished, I am working as a team with a Judge Dredd level that one of my friends has designed. I have been asked to do the street scene section of the level and so that is what I am doing.
I have decided to do all of my work in Maya so that I can get used to it properly again, so that is what I'm doing.
The first thing I did was make an extremely basic manhole cover. I did this so that I could figure out how to unwrap and texture in maya. I did this with no help from tutorials and here is the result:

I know it's not the highest quality asset in the world, but it was a first time so I am quite happy with it.
Now I am working on this beast:
Its called a JGSDF type 96 and it is a Japanese armoured vehicle. I will be building it, then adapting it to a more futuristic design because it is supposed to fit into the judge dredd world.
Here is what I have so far:

It's still in the very early stages at the moment, but I assure you that it will look great when it's finished.
I thought that this project will be good because I trust kev's designs and I also thought it would be good because I don't really like judge dredd so it would be a good chance to show that I can also work on a project when I don't like it. I am enjoying myself though, and I am learning new things every day.
Catch you all soon.

P.S sorry about the lack of posts recently

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