Wednesday 6 January 2010

Post Christmas blues.

Happy holidays everyone!
I hope that all of your Christmas's and New year's went well.

Christmas came and went surprisingly quickly and it feels like I've lost loads of time out of knowhere, but I have been working (granted not as much as I probably should have been).

Heres a little update on the head, with the front photo quickly pasted on there for demonstration purposes.I'm not too happy with this at the moment, so I am working on the topology of it in photoshop.

And here's a couple of pictures of the Body...

Thats it for now guys,
I'll keep updating.

1 comment:

Dean said...

Things are progressing well Chris. Happy New Year by the way.

The head looks OK with the texture on it. DOnt worry too much just get the body done now. You will only have a couple of weeks once your back to get it all done.

The Body modelling is looking OK though so keep at it.