Tuesday 16 March 2010

Dead farm.

Now that the Character design project is done, it's time to start work based learning.
To do this we were given a brief called dead farm.
This is about a time travelling naughty man who is creating a clone army in a secret underground base under an old farm.
There is a lot of work to go into this, but I think we have the man power to finish it.
So Far I have been modelling dead cows and cellar doors. I realise this is an odd mix but these are the assets that I have been asked to make, so make them I shall.
I'm going to make a toyota pickup truck as well.

On another note, I have started to try and learn Maya again and luckily I have remembered a lot from way back when, when I used Maya. I still have to go through a tonne of video tutorials to try and get as good as I can before the course finishes.

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