Saturday 20 March 2010

Weekly overview – week 1

This week was spent starting the actual design and development of dead far 2010. I think we have a fairly strong team working on this project. The team includes myself, Kev (leader), Adam (unreal implementer), Ste, Bob, Ash, Lottie (character artist) and Mike (environment concept artist).
Mike Boden, Jake Gainey and Jake ashby have all gone on placement at TT Fusion, so I wish them luck.
We came up with a rough asset list of everything that needs to be modelled for the level and decided who will be modelling what. We first discussed the idea of assigning certain areas of the map to certain people to concentrate on, but we decided against that, as we wanted people to make a different range of assets each.
I was assigned to create a group of dead animals, consisting of cows, pigs, horses and chickens. I was also asked to create the entrance to the underground lair and a Toyota pickup truck.
By the end of the week I had modelled the cellar doors and started the model on the dead cow. Once I had modelled the cellar door for the underground entrance I realised that using stairs wouldn’t work because the head space to walk down them wasn’t enough for the unreal character sizes, so I decided to use a ladder instead.
I think I have had a nice productive week this week, and plan on doing the same next week. I am planning on unwrapping and texturing my cellar doors, and my cow.

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