Monday 20 December 2010

tis moi, the fool!

Just a quick one,
I've just realised that I am an idiot.
I wasn't happy with the results that I have been getting from mudbox for the entirity of the project so dar and I have only just realised now what it was. I have been stuck in a good habbit of making sure that my smoothing groups have been sorted out correctly before exporting, as you would if you were exporting it to unreal or something like that, however I have just realised that because you create a new normal map in mudbox it just causes conflicting shadows if you leave it like thaet, so you have to set your model to 1 smoothing group all over and this allows the normal map to take full effect. I am so much happier with the results now.

 Here you can see that the lighting on the left side of the archway is effected by the shading groups.
 Here is the results after I set the whole model to share the same shading group.
I'm so happy now that things are starting to look a bit better!
Oh by the way, I know about the mistake on the top of the arch, still trying to figure this one out. I think that the UV's are flipped.

1 comment:

Lottie said...

Looking brilliant Chris. You can totally see the difference.