Friday 7 January 2011

thats not good.

Hi all, I hope you had a nice Christmas and new year.

Unfortunately I have been working all over Christmas and I haven't had much time off so I've not been able to do much.
I double checked today and realised that I have a week less then I thought I had to finish chapter two of my dissertation, so that's not good, because its due on the 20th, so I have 13 days to do it.

Plus, I can't remember when this scene is supposed to be done by. I think its the 27th but I am just working as hard as I can at the moment to keep at it and get it done as soon as possible. If it is due on the 27th then the dissertation will take centre stage, and then I can focus on the scene.

I was working on the treasure chest today and here is what I have so far.

 I tried to add some coins and jewels into the chest but it just didn't look right so I took the jewels out and kept the coins. Now I am happier with the results.

 This is what I have now.
 And this is how the scene looks at this point.

I have made up a to do list for this scene and there is quite a bit but I did manage to cross three things off it today so I think that is a good result.

Let me know what people think please?

Thanks guys, Chris x


Lottie said...

Looks great Chris. I know you work hard too so it's understandable that you havn't done much. To be honest though it's about how we sculpt in mudbox and what you've done is great i love the lighting in your scene too it looks lovley.

Don't worry mate our whole class will be working our balls of next week (*lady balls*). Good job so far :D

robochrish said...

Thank you lottie, that means alot ^_^