Thursday 31 March 2011

hair's Frank

I have been doing a little bit of testing about with the hair modifier on Frank.
Here are the results so far.
This was an accident, but I found it funny

I kind of like the results I'm getting so far, but I will carry on tomorrow. I'm pretty tired now but I'm going to look into rigging now to see if I can get some of it done tonight.

Frank is almost done!

Hello all, how are you?
I'm jolly. Partially due to being really tired and not quite with it, and partially because I am slightly ahead of my schedule at the moment.
Frank is all together now, but he is not finished for texturing etc yet.
Here are some quick renders

I will be continuing with the textures, rigging Frank for animation, and giving him some hair.
Let me know what you think

Wednesday 30 March 2011

building 02

Whilst I am waiting to chat to Dean tomorrow about what to do next, I have unwrapped the second building which is the condomania shop.
Here is what I have so far.

I may try to finish this building tomorrow, but I am in work after uni unfortunately so I will have to see.
see you in the morning, its bed time now

All coming together

Here is the first render of the body parts of Frank together in one file.
Tomorrow I will be making the hands and I will hopefully start rigging the entire character.
The reason for this is that I can continue texturing whilst the character is being rigged because that shouldnt effect it.
As usual let me know what you think please.


Tuesday 29 March 2011

Frank again

Here is an update on Frank.
I took his head into mudbox to add detail.

This is the result of the normal map being added to the lower poly model.

It doesnt look fantastic at teh moment, but I think it does look. It will look a lot better once it is textured.
Let me know what you think,


Monday 28 March 2011

Revised schedule

I have now revised my schedule to fit my feedback.



I had to give a small 10 minute presentation today to my class and tutors to show them where i was up to and I received feedback and they kindly informed me that I am doing really well but I need to hurry things up as I may be short on time to finish all of my assets.
I was planning to spend this week finishing Frank's head and attaching it to the body, but now I have been informed that I should have Frank's body done AND rigged by the end of the week.

This will be, for lack of a better word... fun.
I'll keep you all posted with progress.

Texture sheets

Here are the texture sheets so far


update of schedule

Hey all,
just a quick update on a revised schedule.
Here is an image that shows where I need to be at what time during the production.

As you can see, I originaly planned to be finished on the 29th of April, however due to my recent revision I have put the date back to the 9th May.
I have been generous with some of my times so hopefully I will be able to make it up.


P.S. Here is the word document of my schedule.

Thursday 24 March 2011

The head of Frank

Hi All,
So today I have been working on Frank's head.
After some help from Dean, Frank's head has really taken shape. I have removed the normal map that I did have on it because it wouldn't fit anymore, but I have unwrapped it again so that I can make another one. I am trying to add some detail into the actual model as opposed to adding it in the normal map, because I want more control over it when animating.
Here is what I now have.

I plan to take it all into mudbox and get some detail in it.
Let me know what you think please people.


Wednesday 23 March 2011

Shoes lookin at you

Hi all,
I spent today working on the shoes and now they are done.

Once I unwrapped the shoes, I then textured them.

Now that is the end of Frank's body, I will be doing the head and hands.
Let me know what you think please people, and wish me luck.

Tuesday 22 March 2011

 Hello everyone,
Today I have been working on Frank's shoes and here is what I have .

The shoe is finished, and I have started on the texture. This may take a while because I am hand painting the stitching on it, but I think that it will be worth it. I am using a normal map to define the overlapping leather of the shoe. Frank also now has a belt buckle and buttons.

Let me know what you think please guys,