Friday 26 August 2011

and that.. as they say... is that

Hi guys,
I had my review at work today and unfortunately the company I was working my placement at, TT Fusion, Dont have enough money at the moment for extra staff as they have an allocated amount, and they have currently used it all.
That's fine and I understand it.
It makes me sad that I wont be walking back into their any time soon, but I look forward to what the future holds and I really hope that I get to go back there some day.
I have had the time of my life there and I want to thank every one involved in getting me there and helping me for the duration of the placement,

So thank you;

And any one else that I have forgotten to mention.

Hopefully I will be putting a more upbeat and happy post up here soon about my job search, but for now I'm fairly sombre.

Oh well, chin up, keep at it..

Thanks everyone,


Thursday 25 August 2011

The end is nigh

Hi everyone,
I know it's hard to believe but I have been at TT Fusion for6 weeks already!
It is my last day tomorrow and I have a review with my superiors. I really really don't want to leave, and I hope that they like me enough, and that I have worked hard enough, to earn a more permanent position, but who know. Only tomorrow can tell.

I am really excited and nervous about tomorrow and I really hope it goes well.
I'll let you know when I find out,

Catch you soon,

P.S. Wish me luck :p

Thursday 11 August 2011

still going strong

hey all,
just thought I would do a quick update on how things are going on the work placement at TT fuson. I am now almost 4 weeks through the placement, and I am still loving it! I have been given greater responsibility than i was expecting to get and it id really good because it is giving me the confidence that I needed.
when I realised that the 3rd week was upon us, I became fairly sad because it now feels like the beginning of the end, but hopefully that wont be the case.
I feel that I have proven myself whilst here and I will continue to do so.
I still can't tell you what I'm doing, or show you what I have done, but don't worry, as soon as I am allowed to there will be a lot to show.

Hopefully I will get to chat with you guys again soon,
until then have a nice day and see you soon