Thursday 11 August 2011

still going strong

hey all,
just thought I would do a quick update on how things are going on the work placement at TT fuson. I am now almost 4 weeks through the placement, and I am still loving it! I have been given greater responsibility than i was expecting to get and it id really good because it is giving me the confidence that I needed.
when I realised that the 3rd week was upon us, I became fairly sad because it now feels like the beginning of the end, but hopefully that wont be the case.
I feel that I have proven myself whilst here and I will continue to do so.
I still can't tell you what I'm doing, or show you what I have done, but don't worry, as soon as I am allowed to there will be a lot to show.

Hopefully I will get to chat with you guys again soon,
until then have a nice day and see you soon

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