Wednesday 28 September 2011

Quick update

Hi guys,
Just a quick one, I have just spent a little while adding some more detail to the lower res wall.
It seems to be taking a while, but I am not going slowly, it's just a slow process. Does anyone know of a quicker way of doing this?

Thanks guys


Tuesday 27 September 2011

wall again

Hi everyone,
I have decided to try another way of creating the lower res mesh of the wall, but creating a rough version of the stones over the original ones, rather than manipulating one big block over the top.
I think that this technique is working better, but it is taking a while.

This is the medium res mesh from mudbox

This is the lower res mesh I am building around it that I will be adding the normal information to

I haven't just been doing this though. I have also been updating some of the medieval assets that I created and I will show them to you when they are finished.
I can't wait to get this wall section modelled because I really want to start texturing it.

Let me know what you think please guys,


Sunday 25 September 2011

small detail

Hi guys,
Just a quick one.
I have now added the smaller detail to the rocks, so now I'm going to sort out the lower res mesh and apply the higher res normals to it.

Let me know what you guys think please,

P.S. I just realised that my last post was my 200th!
WOO, 200 milestone! Let's make it to 300 hey guys? ^_^

Wall time

Hi Guys,
I realised yesterday that I hadn't used mudbox for a while, so I decided that I would use it a lot more, since it is a fairly important part of next gen game props. Usually if I wanted to create something in mudbox, I would create a low poly mesh in maya or max, export it into mudbox, then up-res it and sculpt into, bake off the normal and AO map and implement it to the lower poly model. In the past I have had silhouette problems with this, so this time I decided to create the model in mudbox and import a medium res version of it into maya, then built a rough mesh around it. That is the stage I am up to at the moment.
Here is a section of the wall in Mudbox;
I still need to add the secondary bump to this to give the stone a bit more of a stoney feeling.

I then took it into maya to do this;

As you can see, I've not finished yet, but it was stupidly late last night when I was dong this, and I was very tired.  I want to carry on with it now, but I have to leave for work soon.

Let me know what you guys think please,
It's time for me to raise my game, and show what I can do, so join me along the way.


Friday 23 September 2011

new building

Hi guys.
After a lot of looking round, i decided that the next thing that I would create for my new portfolio would be a water mill.
Here is the reference that I am working from

And here are some W.I.P. renders and wires for you to look at;

I know that these are bad renders, but they are just for a quick W.I.P. reference at the moment.
I am working into it now and trying to get more refinement.
Once I've finished the model, I think I will take parts into mudbox to add some detail to.

Let me know what you guys think please?


Thursday 22 September 2011

Hi all

Hi everyone,
Sorry I've not posted in a while.
I am still currently updating my portfolio and applying for positions all over the country, and I am about to do my first Japanese application so I am preparing for that as it would be a dream company to work for.
I have been putting my Tokyo scene into the unreal engine, but that is on hold for the tie being because I really need to create new assets etc with my current skill set, because I am better than what my portfolio is showing, but it takes time to create new images, so that is what I am doing now.
I am planning to get one asset at least modelled today, and do this every day to eventually get an entirely new portfolio ( with the exception of a few images).

I will try my best to keep you all posted on how it's going,

Chris x

Thursday 1 September 2011


Hi guys,
I am updating my portfolio because I have been applying for artist jobs, and my portfolio needs work, so I have decided to remake my Tokyo scene, at game quality. I am using the knowledge that I have gained from my work placement and using it to efficiently work on this scene.
I am looking forward to getting this done, and I also plan on adding the scene into the unreal engine, to see how it would look in game.

I'll show you all what it looks like when it's done and I will also try to do a "work in progress" on the project as well.
Sorry if I don't update on this too much, I just have a bad memory,

See you all soon,
