Sunday 25 September 2011

Wall time

Hi Guys,
I realised yesterday that I hadn't used mudbox for a while, so I decided that I would use it a lot more, since it is a fairly important part of next gen game props. Usually if I wanted to create something in mudbox, I would create a low poly mesh in maya or max, export it into mudbox, then up-res it and sculpt into, bake off the normal and AO map and implement it to the lower poly model. In the past I have had silhouette problems with this, so this time I decided to create the model in mudbox and import a medium res version of it into maya, then built a rough mesh around it. That is the stage I am up to at the moment.
Here is a section of the wall in Mudbox;
I still need to add the secondary bump to this to give the stone a bit more of a stoney feeling.

I then took it into maya to do this;

As you can see, I've not finished yet, but it was stupidly late last night when I was dong this, and I was very tired.  I want to carry on with it now, but I have to leave for work soon.

Let me know what you guys think please,
It's time for me to raise my game, and show what I can do, so join me along the way.


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