Friday 3 September 2010

3rd year

Hey guys, I've left it waaaaaaaaay too long since I last posted on here.
I'm looking forward to starting the third year and I can't wait to get tucked in to the work.
I decided that I might as well make a generic asset that I know I will use so I am making a vending machine.
The reason for this is because I am making a scene from Kabukicho in Tokyo, Japan and they are VERY common there.

Here is what I have so far.

I want to start messing with high poly normals on lower poly models so I'm going to look into that. Hopefully we will be shown this in class when we go over mudbox.

at the moment I am on a rather high, 1,430 poly's but I haven't even started cleaning it up yet.
I don't think that this is that many considering that I am going for detail, but I'm sure that the comments on this thread will probably change my mind lol.

Speak to you soon.

Chico x


stocko2k said...

1430 isnt that high man you could push it more is your doing this to bake out a normal map.

robochrish said...

thanks dude, I'm currently tryin to find out how to transfer normals. Watchin that Eat 3d dvd with the old pillar. Seems simple enough.

stocko2k said...

yeah i'm going through that vid too at the moment i'm having issues with max not likeing models with a million plus polys so if you get that then i suggest you download xnormal and export your high poly mudbox obj and your low poly max obj then use xnormal to generate the normal map and ambient occlusion.

robochrish said...

Looking at the model, I dont think that it is worth doing the high poly version since it looks fine at the moment. I may start texturing and just see how that works out.
Its only a bit of modelling to keep me fresh anyways lol.
when I do try sorting out high poly normals I probably will use xnormal though, thank you :).