Wednesday 29 September 2010

More blocking out and new idea!

I've been doing some more blockinjg out and I am slowly but surely getting to grips with sketchup. Here is what I have so far

Whilst I was blocking in the vending machine section I realised that this would allow too much background to be seen so I came up with an idea.....Love hotel. In this area of Tokyo love hotels are really popular. Some of them are very obvious but most of them are fairly understated so I think I will have the love hotel ontop of the area I have allocated for the vending machines. I will have the entrance to the hotel next to the machines.
Here are some reference images that I have for the hotel.

The design of this building is fairly straightforward, but extremely typical of a love hotel. This is good because alot of this building will be modular and thus quicker to build.

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