Saturday 12 March 2011

Quick update

Hi guys.
I didn't get a chance to do too much yesterday as I spent most of the day freaking out about the HUGE earthquake and tsunami in Japan. Spent most of the time checking that everyone I know over there are ok, and so far so good.
I did a couple of tests with x normal to see what gave the better results for normals and ambient occlusion, mudbox, or x normal, and here are the results.
MudBox Ambient occlusion
XNormal Ambient occlusion
MudBox Normal
XNormal Normal
I think that the Xnormal results are better, and more natural but I think that it really depends on the subject that you are working on.

I did a quick diffuse map which turned out like this
I didn't really like the colour, so I have re done it like this
I think that this colour looks a little more natural and worn.

There is still a lot of work to do, but I am enjoying it, but also looking forward to seeing the final results.

Let me know what you guys think please.


P.S. My thought are with all the people of Japan who are suffering. Please take a moment to think of them.


Anonymous said...

Looks like xNormal is tearing Mudbox a new one here!

Rob said...

I think normal from mudbox and occlusion from xnormal is the best :) good work! looks ace.