Tuesday 12 October 2010

Who is frank?

Dean has pointed out in comments that I need to mention some exerts from the book describing frank so that you can get a better feel for who he is and what he looks like so here you go.

"overweight American" p9

"He'd described himself as white and stocky and looking a bit like Ed Harris in profile, and said he'd be wearing a necktie with a pattern of white swans" "studying his face and not finding the least resemblance to Ed Harris from any angle." p11

" Frank certainly didn't remind me of the soldiers or astronauts or whatever that Ed Harris portrays - he looked more like a stockbroker or something." "I just mean he struck me as sort of drab and nondescript." p12

"I'm 35" p12

"It was an average sort of face, but you couldn't have judged his age from it. Depending on the angle of the light, one moment he looked like he could be in his twenties, and the next in his forties or fifties." p12

"never seen a face quite like this one." p12

"The skin. It looked almost almost artificial, as if he'd been horribly burned and the doctors had resurfaced his face with a fairly realistic man-made material. For some reason these thoughts stirred up the unpleasant memory of that newspaper article, the murdered schoolgirl." p12

"There was nothing appealing about Frank's grin, though. Unmoving is more like it. The artificial-looking skin of his face twisted into a whorl of wrinkles, making him look almost disfigured." p14

"Frank took the Tokyo pink guide out of a dark-brown shoulder bag beside his chair" p15

"It was freezing out there, but he wasn't even wearing an overcoat. With his short, lumpy frame wrapped in that tacky suit, Frank was no treat the eyes, but he blended right in with the streets and crowds of Kabuki-cho." p16

"He may have had a certain reaction to Frank being white" p17

" The artificial-looking skin of his cheeks twitched and quivered, and his eyes lost any  recognition of human quality, as if someone had turned out the light behind them. They might have been beads of smoked glass." p17

"Something ugly had reared its head for a second and then vanished again" p17

"From where I sat I could clearly see the vinyl-like skin on his cheeks twitching and the capillaries appearing , his face going like a watercolour wash from pink to red." p24

"Frank was shuffling along with his collar turned u and his hands stuffed in his pockets. The tip of his nose was red. He had no coat of muffler" p30

"I looked over at him as we walked past the Toyota lot, and a chill trickled down my spine. It was something about his posture in silhouette. He gave off this overpowering, almost tangible loneliness." p30

"His cheap clothing and slovenly appearance had something to do with it: shorter then even than my 172 centimeters, he was fat, his hair was combed forward and thinning, and right now he looked very old for his age. But it wasn't just that. There was a falseness about him, as if his whole existence was somehow made up." p30

"I'm not saying Frank revolted me, but I wasn't about to press my cheek against his. Just the fact that he was a man made it bad enough, but Frank also had that weird skin. No wrinkles, though he was supposedly in his mid-thirties, but his face wasn't what you'd call smooth, either-- it was shiny and flabby and artificial looking." p33

"His fingernails were longish and jagged and not overly clean." p50

""your a liar," I said.
Sure enough, this summoned up the Face. Little blue and red capillaries appeared on his cheeks, the light went out of his pupils, and the corners of his eyes and nose and lips began to quiver." p52

"He looked like he was either very, very angry or very, very frightened." p52

Murakami, Ryu. In the miso soup (1997), Kodansha International LTD (translated by McCarthy, R for Bloomsbury, London

I'm aware that some of the description in these references are slightly different from the concept I have done, but that concept is unfinished so I am still working on it.


Dean said...

Going off these descriptions I dont get the vibe that he is scarred. Its seems to describe him more looking plastic like with smooth artificial skin. Thats why its hard for the narrator to guess his age. it seems the plasticy skin should look mor elike Vinyl and be semi transparent with the hint of capilliaries under the surface.
Thats my take on it anyway.

robochrish said...

Yeah thats one of the things that I have realised since writing in the references so I'm going to make that change aswell.