Sunday 1 May 2011

again with the GAH!

I'm currently having a hellish time.
apparently the frames that I have rendered so far are useless because I stupidly had a layer hidden that contained a lot of assets that should have been in view.
Also the camera was wrong, so I am now having to re render everything. This isn't too bad however when I try to render Frank now, for some reason his hair doesn't show up. I didn't like the hair anyway so I have decided that it is going. Instead I will paint stubble on the texture. I think this is fine since the character has thinning hair in the book, so I imagine that he would shave it every now and again.

Whilst I was trying to animate before, I was getting a lot of weird things happening, but I think I may have Finally fixed them.
I am really worried about the amount of time that I have for animation etc, but I must do it.

On a lighter note, I have done an extremely quick test on whether or not the layering would work in after effects, and it does, so here are the results for that
I'm not entirely sure what to do about the light on the side of his face, but I shall worry about that tomorrow. I am too wound up at the moment to be thinking of that.

If anyone has any sort of tips or anything for this, then they would be greatly appreciated.

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