Sunday 1 May 2011

slow but steady

Hi all,
Just thought I would let you know what's going on at the moment.
I am still doing the background render but I have doubled the frames so that they are slower. I am excited about how it is coming together, however it is frustrating that I can't really use my pc whilst it is rendering because the renders take up all of the ram. So I have borrowed my muum's laptop so that whilst i am rendering on my PC, I can look into tutorials for adding the rain in after effects, which I have decided to do since I am having so many problems in 3ds max. I know that this is sort of a cop out, but it is more of a contingency plan than anything else. I have found a few tutorials, but there is one that I really like, however this may take a while to render so I have also found a slightly easier one, that would be less resource heavy.

I am also working on the required documentation for the course whilst the renders are going on, so I am trying to adapt my production document, and dissertation whilst I'm waiting. I hate feeling non-productive so I am trying my best to keep doing work instead of just waiting for renders to finish.

I will upload whatever footage I have later on, and I am also planning on doing a quick test of Frank for a few frames, so that I can see how the layering worked.

..... GAHH!!! as we speak, we have just had a power cut, so my renders stopped!! nooo! I'llk keep you posted later

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