Sunday 8 May 2011

Getting closer by the hour

Hi everyone,
Today I have been working on getting the video as close to finished as I can.
Here is what I have so far;

Tomorrow I plan on adding the voice over and adding splashes to the rain. I may also try to fix the seam on the specularity map on Frank's hand's in te POV shot, although this is only a short shot so I doubt it would really be noticed unless I told you.
I also need to make the schoolgirl part start a little earlier, so that Frank has less face time, and that the scene will flow a little better.

What do you guys think?,


Charlie xxx said...

looking good, i forgot about the commentary, you best get cracking on that :P.


Why not do 2 vids, one with the original commentary and a second one talking about the making of. I think it'd be a nice touch? You could say how the signs are actual signs from tokyo, point out the easter egg etc

robochrish said...

I was considering that actually, I may do it if I get time :)