Wednesday 4 May 2011

very quick update

Hi guys,
I'm sorry I didn't update yesterday, it must have slipped my mind.
I had planned to get my animation done yesterday, but it all went to pot and started to drive me crackers. I originally planned to use the footsteps function in 3ds max to create the walk cycle, then edit it to make it unique. However, when I tried it it went very wrong, so I decided to key frame the animation instead. The results of this were not very good, but workable, and then my tutor, Stas pointed out to me that he knows how to use footsteps correctly, so he showed me how its done, and I can now use it. Even though I had a lot of problems with it yesterday, I feel that I am now in control of the animation and I am not too far off finishing it. I haven't started on the layer above the basic walk cycle yet, but I plan to tomorrow. Tonight however, I need to get renders done for the end of year show. Unfortunately, these images need to be done by Friday, so that is a little awkward when it comes to timing since our hand in is on Tuesday. Oh well, I will get it done. I have 7 images to render and I will show you what they are when I decide on what ones will be the final ones.

I will try my best to keep you guys updated, but I can't have the Internet open whilst I am working at the moment, because 3ds max is being very RAM hungry.
I'll catch you all later,

P.S. My sexy new graphics card arrived ^_^ goodbye ATI Radeon HD 4670, Helooooooo ATI FirePro V4800!!

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