Friday 22 April 2011

Bar auge

Hello again people,
as promised, I have finished the texturing of bar auge.
It is fairly basic, but It wont really be seen all that much, but I still have time to go back and add parts to the scene.

What do you guys think?
The good news now, is that that was the last building to be textured, so now they all have some sort of texture on them.
I now need to go and texture the arcade doors and populate the scene. I don't have much left of my list to do now, but here is what's left:

do Arcade doors (maybe stairs and escalator)
Create picture booth for arcade?
Create floor tiles (Maybe curbs?)
Create specular and normal maps for everything that hasn't got them already
Light the scene correctly
Finish the sky dome and add rain (fog?)

Finish skinning Frank
Create and render a pre-viz animation to add the voice over etc
create the full animation
render scene
Edit together with voice over and added images etc.

That's it!. I'm really happy that there is only that much to do. The list used to be a heck of a lot longer than that. I have given myself two weeks to do the bottom part of the list. It shouldn't take that long, but I want to allow room for error.

What do you all think?

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