Sunday 24 April 2011


Hi all,
I just thought I'd give a quick update on what I'm doing at the moment.
I have now added an emissive and normal map to the arcade machines.
I have also started going around every texture and adding whatever necessary maps are required e.g. specular maps, normal maps etc. I counted them all and there are 56 to do, so I've got a challenge on my hands.
I started adding specular maps to show rain dripping down the object, since the scene will be raining however I have since found a better technique that I think I will implement instead.
Here is what I started doing

As you can see, I have not got any special lighting in the scene at the moment because I discovered that the reason for 3DS max crashing all of the time was something to do with the lighting, so I deleted it all since I hadn't even began to light the scene properly yet. You can see here that the specularity on the signs looks like liquid dripping, but I discovered that if I use the render option in photoshop to render fibres, that I get better results like this,

I have completed 5 specular maps so far, so I will go back to them and apply my new technique to them before I get too far ahead.
What do you guys think?
I think that it is all starting to take great shape and I can't wait to light it all properly and make it all look pretty and dark, and wet.

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