Saturday 2 April 2011

Frank and scene update

Hi people,
Since my last update I have Rigged, and have been skinning Frank ready for his animation.
This is taking a while, but is taking shape quite nicely.

So that I don't go totally scatty, I have also been working on the scene.
I went around every building to make sure that all my modular pieces where instanced, so that textures would be correctly uv'd etc. I also gave everything a basic uvw map unwrap, so that it looks a bit better to work with.

I modelled the sign for the shop today and wanted to show you the progress, so here you go.

I can't wait to get this scene done. I am excited to see it all come together and I am now confident that I will have it done on time.
Let me know what you think please people.

P.S. No I am not perverse, this type of shop does exist in that are of Tokyo lol


Rob said...

excellent. good to see an ambitious project taking shape :) all this hard work is gonna pay off big time. can't wait to see this all lit properly and rendered. I can already see the wet street reflecting neon lights. keep it going :D cute condom by the way ;)

Charlie said...

Looking awesome huni and loving the sign x

robochrish said...

Thank you ^_^
I can't wait for it to be completed!
The sign is kawaiii :D