Saturday 23 April 2011


Hi all,
I have been working hard again today, however it has been a bit of a stressful one. 3ds max is deciding to be really fun and crashing alot. I think it has something to do with lighting, but I am not certain.
I am planning on buying a new graphics card that will hopefully help me out, however I dont think that it will help me with this project.
Today I have been working on the arcade again, as I realised that I had bypassed doing the arcade doors. I decided to do a low poly interior of the arcade so that something was there, and I also decided to include the picture booth. Here are the results.
I know that the models aren't great, but they are only low poly background assets, that will never be seen up close.
What do you guys think?
P.S. My sexy new hard drive arrived today. WOO!!

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