Sunday 17 April 2011


Hi all.
Today I have been working on the bar/club at the end of the road.
I had a look around the Internet and managed to find a picture of the place at night which was interesting

This was the first time that I had seen what was past those glass doors, and this had been somewhat of a problem in the past because I was wondering what to do when it came to texturing the door. However, now that I have seen inside those doors, I see that it is a small room that would be very easy to model, so that is what I decided to do, just like I did with the koma theatre.
I started today with the plan of texturing the signs and adding a texture on the door, and i ended up modeling that interior as well, so here are today's progress pictures,

Here I added the textures that I had to create from scratch, for the signs.
I then planned to use an alpha plane to add this sign, however I ran into a problem when the alpha was only at half transparency the whole time, it should have been opaque. I solved this problem however. It was a setting that I had changed earlier on for something else, but since I was sharing the texture sheet it also effected this.

The finished article

Let me know what you think please people,

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