Friday 22 April 2011


Hi all,
Sorry I forgot to update yesterday, I have been working though.
Yesterday I was focusing on the vending machines that are below the hotel.
Here are the progress renders
I did spend a while excluding the bottles from the emissive map, but it ended up just not looking right, so I included them.
Here is the final result
I also added a tiles floor to the hotel, instead of it just being brick.
I have now moved onto bar Auge and I have started by adding the shutters to the front of the building.
It is only basic at the moment, but this building is in the early stages.

Let me know what you guys think please?
Should be done soon!


Charlie said...

Whose the pic on the 3rd vendor? I hope its murakami! Xxx

robochrish said...

lol no, its tommy lee jones, from men in black lol. He seems to advertise alot of coffee in japan for a company called BOSS. xxx